Hits since 2023-11-25 00:44:05:
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
July 10, 2024: Today I attended another meeting of
& Release Spoken Word. It was great! I'm
gaining some experience. And, although the video
conferencing technology required for the Zoom meetings is still
troublesome, I'm managing well enough.
I read two poems. The first, "Reminiscing (in memory of
Professor Hill, U of M, A2)", was written by a friend of
almost fifty years ago, Lily Prigioniero. I don't know when
she wrote it, but she sent it to me today with the suggestion
that I might read it. Thank you, Lily!
The second poem, Illness, was one
of my own which, by an interesesting exchange, I read once at
Lily's request in a classroom where she was a
student—perhaps Professor Hill's classroom!
June 2024
May 2024
May 9, 2024: Yesterday at 11:30AM
(7:30PM—London area) I attended a virtual meeting of Write &
Release Spoken Word. It was great, especially
since this was my first meeting in three months—one I
missed and the next was cancelled.
There was lots of great poetry. And I read the two poems
I had prepared for March!
April 2024
April 6, 2024: I've been really busy, but I hope to
attend the April 10, 2024 meeting of Write &
Release Spoken Word at 11:30AM PDT. Click
"interested" on the webpage, if you would like to
participate. That should get the host's attention, so he
can contact you with the details.
March 2024
March 14: I missed the Write &
Release Spoken Word meeting that took place
yesterday. Frankly, I was too busy to give it the attention
that it needed. Plus there was some uncertainty—in my
mind, anyway—about the starting time of the meeting.
This was due to Daylight Savings Time here in the US, which began
on 3/10, and British Summer Time in the UK, which will
begin on 3/31.
I had prepared two poems, Spider
Bite, and Six Things You can Do with
Two Stones, but sadly, as I did not attend, I could not read
February 2024
February 13: I'm making late night preparations for
the 11:30AM meeting tomorrow of Write &
Release Spoken Word. I plan to read Chestnuts.
February 14: It was a great meeting. A dear
friend of mine, David Victor, attended the meeting. That
all by itself made it special. I read his poem, "Mirror
(for Joseph and Debbie on the Occasion of Their Marriage)".
I also read Chestnuts, Jacuzzi, and I Love
Your Eyes.
January 2024
January 1: I'm excited about the upcoming Write &
Release Spoken Word event on 01/10/24. I will
read a poem that I co‐wrote with a non‐human
named Pi. The poem is
called Let Me Out.
January 11: The above event was a good one.
We had a larger turn out—ten men and three women. I
read Let Me Out as planned, and
other poems were read at the event on complementary topics.
It was a modern meeting!
I read two other poems as well: Peace and Rest and Indecencies.
December 2023
December 12: I plan to attend the Write &
Release Spoken Word event tomorrow at 11:30AM
PST. I will read On the
December 13: I attended the above event, and it was
fun! There were nine participants—eight men and one
woman. The UK and the US were represented.
There was time enough to go around again, so I also read Fear of Ants.
January 2022
November 2020
- November 10: I selected a poem to read. This
recently edited poem sprung from words written in my notebook in
1981: Help Me to Stay Awake.
October 2020
- October 22: I attended a meeting of Virtual
Palabra at 7:00PM (hosted by La Bodega
Gallery) and heard Jon Wesick read
his poetry. Thank you, Jon!
At the open mic which followed I enjoyed hearing many others
read, and I read as well. I read my poem Fear of Ants.
- October 25, 2:32PM: I'm looking forward to today's
online meeting of Poets at
the Bench (at 3:00PM), as we will hear featured poet Red
Medusa read her poetry.
Also there will be an open mic afterwards. I plan to read my
poem Twirling Darling. (This
poem is about my wife when we first began to date. She was
a baton twirler and a Sophomore in high school. I was a
6:25PM: It was a great meeting, and I heard some good
poetry. Thanks to host Deborah Ramos for putting this
- October 27: I plan to attend the 2020 meeting of Write &
Release Spoken Word and event on Wednesday November
11 at 11:30AM PDT. (See the Recurring
Events link on the left for details.) As it will
be followed by an open mic, I am thinking about what I will
Featured writers are Anne Caldwell and Matthew Hedley