Hits since 2024-09-09 19:08:09:
My entrails are smooth
and blue like blueberries
with cream and sugar
for dessert after dinner
we shared a little
sweet whin‐
ing and gurgling
Now don't you think
that's funny if you can't
understand what I'm
getting at is this: to touch me
you must have long arms
and good vision, believe
in dreams and pray constantly.
It's not that I'm small
really I've just as much
presence and authority as your
father, to be so
misconstrued and without
the desired bowls of
pudding, vegies, turkey,
and tossed salads before
me there was my
father, hear me
tell you of my father,
before me there was
a descendance, a
prodigious self
recapitulation that
might have amounted
to more than this!
I don't ask
for miracles happen
all around me
in great abundance
and propriety all
of the sudden I
find myself invited
by goodness to
subscribe only to
goodness, to place
all motivation in
the hands of
goodness and to
come to expect
such big bowls
of pudding, also
vegies, turkey and
tossed salads
cannot compete with
me for variety
I had been known to
mess around with a little
cutie once "almost
got me divorced before I
was even married," as
my sweetheart once put
it to me like this:
"Don't laugh when you kiss
me; do you think it's so funny?"
But I had not been
subdued by such an
odd condition of things
surprised me, alarmed
me, almost knocked me
"...down on the ground. Yes,
look there's a little, six
legged lady bug, normal variety,
you know, red with black spots
and all. You know she
doesn't look like any lady I ever
Trying to get this
whole matter across
to you is rather like
trying to push raw
eggs across the Rocky
Mountains, west to east,
with one's nose cannot
endure such punishment
any longer than I.